Seasonal fall allergies affect 40% of Canadians. Fall allergies start mid-August and last to about mid-October. There are two symptoms for allergic reactions which are rhinitis and conjunctivitis. “Allergic conjunctivitis is an eye inflammation caused by an allergic reaction to substances like pollen. Allergic rhinitis refers to inflammation in the nose (rhinitis) that occurs when you are exposed to a substance you are allergic to.” (Meersman, 2021)
Many patients need to go to their doctors to diagnose their allergies. Telehealth can easily connect providers to patients to diagnose their allergies and prescribe medication.
“Ragweed lives everywhere. It loves cracks in sidewalks, unmowed lots and roadside ditches. Once the plant is fully matured, it only takes seconds to release enough pollen to ruin the end of the warm months for allergy sufferers”.
Porton Health is developing the new MeetApp which can be used to meet doctors for checkups and diagnosis. We update our products frequently to provide the best service for our clients and their patients. Patients can use our secure video conferencing software that requires only an Internet-connected computer and a webcam. To learn more about how to implement Telehealth properly or how Porton Health’s virtual care system works, email at connect@portonhealth.com.
Meersman, A. (2021, August 17). Telehealth and SEASONAL fall allergies – you are not suffering alone. MooseJawToday.com. https://www.moosejawtoday.com/local-news/telehealth-and-seasonal-fall-allergies-you-are-not-suffering-alone-4229217.