Language disparities in healthcare
People often attend clinics that are not fluent in English. However, patients often struggle understanding their provider due to language barriers. Therefore, they are unable to have a convenient experience as the people working at the clinic do not speak the same language as them. While they can always travel to another clinic with a provider that speaks the same language as them, that can be difficult due to distance. However, telehealth helps mitigate this language disparity issue.
How telehealth helps mitigate language disparities
Telehealth helps patient access providers that are far away from their location. Telehealth systems allow patients to book appointments from their own home, and they can access any clinic that uses telehealth. Furthermore, the issue of travel distance is eliminated because with telehealth, patients can have appointments with their providers through a virtual meeting application. Telehealth ultimately mitigates lots of the language disparity issues that patients face with the traditional healthcare methods.
Why Porton Health is the right telehealth choice
Porton Health’s BookApp allows patients to book health appointments online. Furthermore, providers have the option to put in the languages they speak so patients are aware of which providers meet their needs. Moreover, Porton Health’s MeetApp allows patients to have virtual appointments with their providers from their own home.
To learn more about our apps, email us at connect@portonhealth.com.
HGrades. (2017, November 6). Assessing online scheduling as an emerging trend in scheduling physician appointments. Mobi Health Leaders. https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/innovation/assessing-online-scheduling-emerging-trend-scheduling-physician-appointments.